Thursday, March 11, 2010

Train Wreck

I watched the train crash into oblivion.
I didn't know who to scream at
The driver or the passenger.
So I mutely stood by.
I cried at the decimation
but hoped that no one else got hurt.
But somehow a piece of metal
Reached out and tore at me.
Some screamed out,
"Why didn't you say anything?"
I don't know why,
I was transfixed
by the terrible beauty of it.
Mesmerized and silenced
by the awfulness to come.
Maybe I thought it would go quiet
and they would see
the silver lining in the hurricane.
I didn't anticipate the chaos,
the pain, the lost love
and the anger.
Maybe next time
I'll speak up when I see the end,
Say, "Get off before it's too late."
But maybe not,
I hope I never see
A train wreck again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i really like this one!